Please download the zip file and use the .exe file within. The web version's lighting and shaders are broken, and HTML limitations prevent files over 200mb, so I'm unable to update it to the latest version.

How to play

Collect the "evidence" blocks and deposit them at the evidence deposit circle (the little white circle in front of the player character at the start)

Your inventory can hold a max of three blocks and you will need to deposit them to get more space.

Potted Plant = -1 point

Scattered Papers = 0 points

Ectoplasma = 1 point

Tooth = 2 points

Claws = 4 points

Need 10 to "win"


Keyboard & Keyboard Controls:

Movement = WASD

Player view look around = Mouse

 Interact/Pickup = E 

Nightvision toggle = F

Pause menu = Escape key 


Movement = Left stick 

Player view look around = Right stick 

Interact/Pickup = South face button 

Nightvision toggle = West face button 

Pause menu = Start button



Jack Hogg = Producer, Lead Programmer, Technical Designer

Mumo = Lead Designer, Narrative Designer, 3D Props Modeller

Dan Somers = Art Director, Animator, UI Artist

Kwabena = 3D Character Modeller

Harry Beaumont-Smith = Programmer, Tester

Extra support 🙏

Jolene Khor = Composer

Jamil = Programmer

Tanya = Mentor

Dan McCredie = Mentor


Build v 222 MB

Install instructions

Download the zip. Extract to your folder of choice and run the .exe within :D

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